Thursday, January 29, 2009

week three

I lost 2 pounds this week, bringing me to 5.2 gone.
Seems kinda puny compared to the Biggest Loser show. then again I don't have Jillian spanking my ass in the 24/7 gym either! I started posting on the WW message boards, hoping to find some idea for meals and stuff there. Apparently, I am suppose to be planning my meals in advance. argh. Planning is the key to success, so I will do that today!

We finally took the leap and threw away all the sippies the other day too. Samantha & Cameron have been using cups with a straw for a couple months now. If they didn't use the straw, they would have permanent red mustaches... totally not cute as a 24/7 look. Seriously. lol

When we through them in the trash Sam & Cam protested... Noooooooo! All is well now, out of sight, out of mind. Too bad throwing cigarettes out of your life for good couldn't be as easy.
Doug and I are still smoking between 3-5 cigarettes a day. The bad thing is, we can go 10 hours, the stretch of the main day without smoking... by the time Doug comes home, we rush to the shop to smoke one. I get a buzz like nobodies business smoking that one. I'll get the balls soon to just say the hell with it, and stop for good. Waiting to grow a pair though. I WILL do it.

Yesterday we had a layer of ice coating plants and cars.. the roads looked great though. Isn't it pretty?
Have a rockin' cool thursday!
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1 comment:

  1. I think you're doing the quitting thing JUST RIGHT. I had been cutting down to about 3-5 cigs a day for a couple weeks before I quit, then the night before my official quit date, I smoked like half a pack in a couple SO sick, I had NO problem cutting out the smokes! Just thinking about smoking made me queasy! I KNOW you can do it!!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment, it warms my heart. I hope you have a blessed day. Crafty hugs, Leah

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